October 11, 2022
Many adults and teens come to Quest Orthodontics seeking orthodontic treatment because they’ve always wanted a straighter smile. While as a trained and specialized orthodontist it’s also my responsibility to correct bites and help guide jaw growth, where appropriate, I too love seeing my patients happy with the aesthetics of their results.
That’s one of the reasons why during every complimentary consultation, I use our smile simulator to show my patients what their final treatment will look like. Not only does it help them feel confident that the 6-24 month journey they’re about to embark on will be worth it, but it gives them the incentive to focus on compliance. They know what we’re working towards from the very start - seeing is believing. And once you’ve seen what your smile can look like, you’re much more likely to stick to that 22-hour-a-day schedule with your Invisalign/clear aligners. :)
I became an orthodontist for many reasons but one of them is that I love building relationships with my patients and helping them to increase their self-confidence. I see providing this glimpse into the future as an important part of each of those journeys. Knowing what our shared goal is, helps me connect with my patients and helps them take pride in their treatment.
With so many pressures on our teens these days, including the pressure to take that perfect selfie, we want to help them realize the joy in their orthodontic journey. Knowing their end results from the beginning of treatment is one great way to do that.
If you’re considering orthodontic treatment for your child, tween, or teen (or yourself!), we’d love to meet. Quest Orthodontics is a no-pressure practice and all consultations are complimentary.
Come see us and see what the smile of your dreams might look like today.
To schedule that complimentary consultation, click or call below.
When you call our practice, ask us about our Lifetime Smile Guarantee!
7:00am - 4:30pm